Can someone help me with this latin passage? (sorry I forgot to put it in here)

1 “Rōmānus sum” inquit Mūcius, “cīvis. Hominēs mē Mūcium vocant. Tē hostem occīdere cupiēbam. Mīlitēs tuōs nōn timēbam. Nunc mortem nōn timeō. Rōmānī vim hostium nōn timent. Multī sunt Rōmānī mihi similēs et parātī id facere, quod ego facere nōn poteram.
5 Semper igitur cīvēs nostrōs timēre dēbēs. Bellum contrā nōs geris nōn sōlum in castrīs, sed etiam domī, ubi hostēs occultī tē petunt.” Rēx īrā movētur. Iubet mīlitēs Etrūscōs ignēs prope Mūcium pōnere. Deinde rēx, “Dīcisne mihi ex hostibus occultīs esse perīculum?” inquit. “Ego dīcō tibi ex ignibus esse nunc perīculum! Ignēs nunc timēre dēbēs,
10 nisi nōmina hostium occultōrum mihi statim dīcis!” Mūcius autem
subitō dextram in ignem pōnit. Ibi manēbat nec dolōrem ostendēbat. A onitus rēx dextram Mūciī ammīs cōnsūmī videt. Tunc rēx Mūcium līberāre dēcernit: nam intellegit eum esse valdē fortem iūdicatque tantam fortitūdinem vincī nōn posse!

Respuesta :

The having 1 "I am a Roman" said Muci, "citizen. Among men call. Tē to kill my enemy I wished for. Deploying your hearing. Now without fear of death. Rômânî does not fear the violence of the enemy. Many men are Rômânî to me to resemble, and are ready to do this, that I can not go back. 5 Therefore, our citizens feared. Waged war against us alone in the cast, but also at home, where hidden enemies claim. "King was moved. He orders us to the soldiers of the Etruscans near a fire until the mucus of the taking place. Next, a king of the, "dicisne from an enemy was to be kept hidden danger to me?" He said. "I tell you now is danger of fires! Fires now fear from 10 The only enemy of the secrets to state that "the Muci Suddenly the right to fire pōnit. There they were staying or suffering, was actually visible. A ONIT a king right MUCIUS Ami consumer sees. At the mucus of līberāre decide for him to understand it to be a very strong and consider such might not be overcome!

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