30 POINTS! PLEASE HELP ASAP! Match the vocabulary with the correct definition. WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST

judges are elected; court is responsible for Civil and Criminal cases and ALL felony cases------------ Superior court
A superior court is a court of general skill which ordinarily has boundless purview concerning common and criminal lawful cases. A superior court is "unrivaled" in respect to a court with constrained purview, which is confined to common cases including money related sums with a particular farthest point, or criminal cases including offenses of a less genuine nature. A superior court may hear advances from bring down courts.
judges are elected; Civil cases and minor criminal cases; hears the most cases of all Courts------- Magistrate court
Magistrate court refers to the province courts that issue warrants. They hear minor criminal offenses and common cases including measures of $15000 or less. the primary resort for common cases like province mandate infringement, dispossession, terrible checks, and landowner/occupant cases. In criminal issues, primer hearings are held and warrants are issued.
judges are appointed; Cases involving children under the age of 18-------- Juvenile court
Juvenile court, additionally called children’s court, uncommon court dealing with issues of reprobate, disregarded, or manhandled kids. The adolescent court satisfies the administration's part as substitute parent, and, where no adolescent court exists, different courts must expect the capacity.
Two kinds of cases are prepared by a juvenile court: common issues, as a rule concerning consideration of a surrendered kid or one whose guardians can't bolster him; and criminal issues emerging from reserved conduct by the child.
judges are elected; hears Civil cases as well as preliminary Criminal Cases------------ State Court
In the United States, a state court has locale over disputes with some association with a U.S. state, instead of the government. State courts handle by far most of common and criminal cases in the United States; United States government courts handle diverse kinds of cases.
Generally, state courts are customary law courts, and apply their particular state laws and techniques to choose cases. They are composed compliant with and apply the law as per their state's constitution, state statutes, and restricting choices of courts in their state court chain of command. Where pertinent, they likewise apply federal law.
judges are elected; cases are Civil cases - such as wills, traffic violations, Legal guardians------------Probate Court
Probate court is a particular sort of court that arrangements with the property and obligations of a man who has passed on. The essential part of the probate court judge is to guarantee that the perished individual's loan bosses are paid, and that any outstanding resources are disseminated to the correct recipients.
Probate is a lawful strategy where a court supervises the dissemination of property of a man who has kicked the bucket. Numerous states have a specific probate court.