Respuesta :
Answer is in java language
I am writting the code with comments in lines that starts with "//".
//First write the method converttoinches having two input parameters
// 1st param numfeet
// second param numinches
// public is a access modifier in which this method can be accessed
// from any class
//double is a return type as we have both input param as double so the
// the return value will also be double as well
public double converttoinches(double numfeet, double numinches) {
// In programming languages any numeric value that is in parenthesis
// will execute first so as we want to multiple numfeet with 12 in order to
//get number of inches in feet and then add those values with //numinches
// return will send the result from this function to where its being called.
return (numfeet * 12) + numinches;
public static double convertToInches ( double numFeet, double numInches ){
return ((numFeet * 12.0) + numInches);
You're creating a second method that has the same name. It's very similar to the one above it (see the picture attached) just changing the parameters and adding on + numInches to the end of the return statement.