Respuesta :
Muhammad's initial fear of telling people about his encounter with the angel Gabriel likely stemmed from several reasons:
Fear of Rejection: Muhammad may have feared that people would not believe him or would reject his message. His society was steeped in idolatry and paganism, and his message of monotheism would have been met with resistance and skepticism.
Fear of Persecution: In pre-Islamic Arabia, those who challenged the prevailing beliefs or societal norms often faced persecution and even violence. Muhammad may have feared for his safety and the safety of his followers if he openly proclaimed his prophethood.
Doubt and Uncertainty: Initially, Muhammad may have doubted the authenticity of his experience or felt uncertain about his role as a messenger of God. It's natural for individuals to experience doubts and hesitations when faced with extraordinary experiences.
Personal Vulnerability: Sharing such a profound and spiritual experience can make one feel vulnerable and exposed. Muhammad may have been concerned about how others would perceive him and whether they would view him as credible or trustworthy.