Respuesta :
I believe the correct answer is the hypothalamus.
The hypothalamus is te master gland and produces regulatory hormones that regulate the production of other hormones. e.g. Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) that is released by the hypothalamus stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to produce Lutenizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH).
Further Explanation:
The endocrine system is triggered by electrical impulses and environmental changes. The organs involved in this system are called endocrine glands and they secrete hormones which are the messengers being used. In the endocrine system, there is the master endocrine gland that produces hormones which regulate the release of other hormone. The master endocrine gland is the hypothalamus. Hormones are classified according to their composition i.e. those that are protein in nature are called polypeptides while those that are not protein in nature belong to the other class called the steroid hormones. Polypeptide hormones examples include prolactin that enables lactating mothers to produce milk and oxytocin that is a pleasure hormone and triggers the birth process in pregnant mothers. Steroid hormones include sex hormones such as testosterone and oxygen. Hormones can alter metabolism i.e. glucagon, insulin and ghrelin. Some others are growth hormones include somatostatin. Lack of these hormones can prove to be detrimental at times e.g. the condition called Cushing's syndrome is caused by inabiliy of the adrenal glands to produce the hormone adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH). Another example is a malfunction of the beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas that produces the hormone insulin causes the common condition known as diabetes.
All the endocrine glands are: i) The hypothalamus that produces regulatory hormones such as Gonadotropin releasing hormone which stimulates the anterior pituitary hormone to produce other hormones and thyrotropin releasing hormone. ii) The pituitary gland separated into the anterior and posterior pituitary glands producing oxytocin, vasopressing, prolactin, lutenizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, adrenocorticotropin releasing hormone. iii) Thyroid glands that produce tetraiodothyronine and triiodothyronine. iv) Parathyroid gland producing the parathyroid hormone. v) Adrenal gland producing the hormones cortisol, aldosterone and testosterone. vi) Pancrease producing the hormones insulin and glucagon. vii) Testes (Leydig cells) producing the hormone testosterone. viii) Ovaries producing estrogen and progesterone.
Learn more:
1. Learn more about the endocrine system:
2. Learn more about sex hormones:
3. Learn more about cell communication and homeostasis:
Level: High School
Subject: Biology
Topic: Homeostasis

Hypothalamus is the conductor or master gland of hormone producing system.
Further details:
The hypothalamus is the master organ and produces administrative hormones that control the generation of different hormones for example Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) that is discharged by the nerve center invigorates the foremost pituitary organ to create Lutenizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH).
The endocrine framework is activated by electrical motivations and ecological changes. The organs engaged with this framework are called endocrine organs and they discharge hormones which are the errand people being utilized. In the endocrine framework, there is the ace endocrine organ that produces hormones which direct the arrival of other hormone. The ace endocrine organ is the nerve center. Hormones are characterized by their structure for example those that are protein in nature are called polypeptides while those that are not protein in nature have a place with the different class called the steroid hormones. Polypeptide hormones models incorporate prolactin that empowers lactating moms to deliver milk and oxytocin that is a joy hormone and triggers the birth procedure in pregnant moms. Steroid hormones incorporate sex hormones, for example, testosterone and oxygen. Hormones can change digestion for example glucagon, insulin and ghrelin. Some others are development hormones incorporate somatostatin. Absence of these hormones can demonstrate to be impeding now and again for example the condition called Cushing's disorder is brought about by inabiliy of the adrenal organs to deliver the hormone adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH). Another model is a glitch of the beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas that delivers the hormone insulin causes the basic condition known as diabetes.
Answer details:
Subject: Social studies
Level: College
• Hypothalamus
• Conductor
• Master gland
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