Pls look at Question and answer pls If it’s a compound then you will need to choose if it’s conjunctional, disjunction, conditional, or biconditional

Three statements are given. It is required to determine if the statements are simple or compound, and if it's compound, it is required to choose which type.
Recall that a simple statement is a statement containing no connectives like 'or', 'and', and so on.
Recall also that a compound statement is a combination of two or more simple statements which are joined by connectives.
Compound statements joined by 'or' are called disjunctions, while those joined by 'and' are called conjunctions.
Compound statements with 'if-then' are called conditional, while the ones with 'if and only if' are called biconditional.
a) The first statement is: My cousins each have some sort of engineering degree.
Since the statement is not joined by any connectives, it is a simple statement.
b) The second statement is: My eyes are bad or this print is tiny.
Since it is a combination of two simple statements joined by the connective 'or', then, it is a compound statement, which is a disjunction.
c) The third statement is: The cat will come to you if and only if you set well.
Since it is a combination of two simple statements joined by the connective 'if and only if ', it follows that it is a compound statement and it is a biconditional.