4. There are several biomes that are not marked "diverse" or "non-diverse." How would you describe those biomes? (3 points)

Biomes are large areas characterized by its soil, climate, vegetacion, and wildlife. There are five major types of biomes: grassland, florest, tundra, desert, and aquatic, they still can be divided into more specific categories, such as marine (aquatic), rainflorest (florest), savanna (grassland/desert), and others. The diversity of these biomes can be based in the animails and plants of the biome, diverse biomes have a wide variety of species and are considered more livable with less environment pressure and challenges that make the area more conducive to higher diversity. The Topical florests are widely considered to have the greatest species diversity of the terrestrial biomes, with nice climate and food for the wildlife. The non-diverse biomes have extreme conditions that make them have lower diversity, for example, tundra and deserts have low diversity because of the climate and the condictions of soil and water.