List at least 3 natural causes of deforestationList at least 3 human causes of deforestation.

Human activities
Human activities are one of the main causes of deforestation. Among them we can find the expansion of urban areas, in which natural areas are deforested to build houses or factories for example; we can also list the expansion of agricultural areas, in this case, several hectares of forests are cut down to be replaced with the cultivation of plants for human consumption and finally another huge problem is the illegal logging of trees, which even occurs in protected natural areas.
Natural causes
Among the natural causes, we can find forest fires, which although sometimes are caused by humans, can also occur in times of extreme heat such as the canicular period; we can also list the presence of pests, which infect and kill the trees reducing their population and finally, another natural cause related to the weather could be that a period of drought occurs.