I’m unsure of this data. I feel like there shouldn’t be anything blank Exercise 1

Taking into account that in the presented model, the original double-strand DNA chain is composed of gumdrops, and the newly synthesized strands will be composed of marshmallows (in order to be more visual), we will have different percentages of the original DNA strand and the new one depending on the model we follow:
-Conservative model: we will have two double-strand DNA molecules from the original one. Say DNA molecule A stays with no changes (because it is just used as a mold), then it will be composed only by gumdrops (100%); and DNA molecule B will be totally new, composed then only with marshmallows (100%) because it is synthesized from scratch from the other one.
-Dispersive model: we also will have two double-strand DNA molecules from the original one but unlike the previous case, the original DNA molecule is fragmented into little pieces, and each daughter molecule will have some of these pieces mixed in their two strands. When calculating the percentages, we can say both DNA molecules, A and B will have 50% gumdrops and 50% marshmallows approximately and theoretically.
-Semiconservative model: In this case, as the original DNA model transfers one strand of its structure to each daughter DNA molecule, we can say that both molecules, A and B will also have 50% gumdrops and 50% marshmallows, just like in the previous case, but with the difference that all the gumdrops will be in just one strand and all the marshmallows in the other one of each.