1. Determine the difference inclock 12 arithmetic bystarting at the first numberand countingcounterclockwise on theclock the number. Of unitsgiven by the second number 1-11=?

The identity element is P.
Determine the inverse if exist of
(a) P (b) Q (c) R
We know that the inverse is the element when combined on the right or the left through the operation, always gives the identity element as the result.
We can see in the first row the identity element P is getting by the operation of P and P. Thus the Inverse of P is itself.
In the second and third rows, the identity element is P is getting by the operation of Q and R.
Thus the inverse of Q is R and the inverse of R is Q.
Both are inverse of each other.
Final Answer:
The Inverse of the following are as:
(a) P = P
(b) Q = R
(c) R =Q