Which part of the triangle do you feel most confident of identifying and why and How might you use a perpendicular bisector or an angle bisector in the everyday life.

Hello there. To solve this question, we have to remember some properties about triangles.
Given a triangle ABC as follows:
We can show for each point what it is on this triangle.
1. Midsegment. This is the segment that is parallel to the base, in this case BC and has half its length. Another property: it divides the sides AB and AC into proportional parts. See the drawing.
2. Circumcenter. Take the triangle and inscribe it in a circumference (all its vertices are in the circumference. Now take the perpendicular bisector of each sides. The point in which at least two of them intersects is the circumcenter. See the drawing.
3. Incenter. Take the bisectors of the angles of ABC. The point in which they intersect is the incenter. Another property: It is the center of the inscribed circumference that is tangent to all sides of the triangle.