Label the Cell below: Match the number to the correct Organelle

1 - this organelle is a mitochondrion, responsible for generating energy for the cell
2 - this is a centriole, part of the cell's skeletal system
3 - this is a peroxisome, which plays an important role on metabolism
4 - that's the cytoplasm, a gell-like fluid that fills the cell
5 - the nucleolus is the number 5, which plays a role in ribosomal RNA synthesis
6 - this is the nucleus, where the genetic material is stored and protected
7 - that's the chromatin, it composes the chromosomes
8 - those are ciliums, responsible for locomotion among other things
9 - this is the rough endoplasmic reticulum, involved in production, folding and despatch of proteins
10 - this is the Golgi apparatus, and it helps processing proteins and lipids
11 - that's the plasmatic membrane, it promotes ways for molecules to go in and outside of the cell
12 - those are Golgi vesicles, they sort many of the cell's proteins and constituents, sending them to their proper placess
13 - those are ribosomes, micro-machines for making proteins
14 - that's the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, responsible for the synthesis and storage of lipids
15 - that's the cell wall, responsible for protection of the cell