How to do this it says use the number line for problems 3-8

In this case, we need to find the measure of the segment FJ. From the following picture
we can note segment FJ measures 4 units
Similarly, segment GK
measures 4 units
Now, segment BH measures 6 u nits
From the given line, we can to note that there is a distance of 10 untis from B to L. Then, the midpoint is located at 5 units from point B, that is,
then, the midpoint of BL is the letter G
In this case, there is a distance of 6 units from A to G, then the midpoint of AG is located at 3 units from A, that is,
then, the midpoint of segment AG is located at D.
From the line, we can note that segment AE measures 4 units and segment EJ measures 5 units. Since they both measures different values, then they are not congruent each other.