Which group contains a smaller amount of organisms?A. Class MammaliaB. Phylum ChordataC. Family HominidaeD. Species Homo sapiens

Respuesta :

The question is about different taxonomic ranks.

Taxonomic ranks are used to group organisms that share certain characteristics, and each taxonomic rank has a different level of generality.

From the higher (more general) to the lowest (more specific), these are the taxonomic ranks:

• Domain


• Kingdom


• Phylum


• Class


• Order


• Family


• Genus


• Species

This means that the domain contains the more organisms (e. g. the domain Eukarya contains all the organisms with eukaryotic cells), and the species contains the smaller amount of organisms (e. g. Homo sapiens = human beings).

The answer options sorted from higher to lower rank are as follows:

B. Phylum Chordata

A. Class Mammalia

C. Family Hominidae

D. Species Homo sapiens

This means the group with a smaller amount of organisms is D. species Homo sapiens