The somatic symptoms, as well as physiologic responses in generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder, exhibit an ambulatory monitor study on many severe types of distress and panic attacks.
The patients will be affected with many somatic symptoms and physiological responses who are suffering from Panic Disorder or Generalized Anxiety Disorder are more sensitive to changes taking place in the body than what happens to nonanxious individuals and also have somatic symptoms like Breathlessness, Feelings of panic, and Chest pain. Patients with Panic Disorder experience distress more frequently than those having Anxiety Disorder and aid in control but their physiological kind of responses in case of intensity are comparable.
The main difference which occurs between patients having Panic Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder was highlighted as the sensitivity to body sensations as well as the occurrence of frequent button presses. A trend toward heightened basal arousal in Panic Disorder patients is also observed which manifests itself in a faster heartbeat rate happening throughout the day.
Physiological responses of anxiety increase the rate of breathing as well as heartbeat which concentrates on the blood flow to your brain with respect to wherever it needs. This physical response helps to prepare for facing an intense situation. If the situation gets too intense, however, it might start to feel nauseous as well as lightheaded.
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