The 4 major types of inhibition are Competitive Inhibition, Non-competitive Reversible Inhibition, Non-competitive Irreversible Inhibition, and Uncompetitive Inhibition.
1. Competitive Inhibition: Competing inhibitors are substances that resemble an enzyme's natural substrate so closely that they vie for the active site. In order to stop additional reactions, the inhibitor binds to the active site and stays there.
The inhibitor and substrate fight for the enzyme's active site because the enzyme may react with the inhibitor and release the products as it normally would with its substrate
2. Non-competitive Inhibition:
And in the Michaelis equation, this kind of inhibition lowers V max but has no impact on Km.The rate at which the enzyme is fully saturated is given by V = V max [S] / Km + [S] (V max).
(Km): The substrate is the Michaelis constant, at which the reaction rate is halved, or at V maximum.
Additionally, this kind of inhibition lowers Vmax but has no impact on Km.
3. Uncompetitive Inhibition: is the last type, where the inhibitor attaches to the [E-S] complex to create [E-S-I] even if it has no affinity for the enzyme.
However, this kind of inhibition lowers both Vmax and Km.
Learn more about inhibition here: