How many blocks do you need to add to Square 6 to get 7? to Square 9 to get Square 10? to Square 19 to get Square 20? EXPLAIN

13 blocks are needed to add to Square 6 to get square 7.
19 blocks are needed to add to Square 9 to get square 10.
39 blocks are needed to add to Square 19 to get square 20.
We are given squares 3, squares 4, squares 5, and squares 6 with different numbers of blocks in each square.
We need to find a pattern within the squares sequence and find the number of blocks needed to add to the following to get the given square number.
- Blocks to add to square 6 to get square 7
- Blocks to add to square 9 to get square 10
- Blocks to add to square 19 to get square 20
We have,
1² - 1
2²- 4
3²- 9
4² - 16
5² - 25
6² - 36
7² - 49
8² - 64
9² - 81
10² - 100
11² - 121
12² - 144
13² - 169
14² - 196
15² - 225
16² - 256
17² - 289
18² - 324
19² - 361
20² - 400
The number of blocks in the given square is:
Square 3 - 9 blocks
Square 4 - 16 blocks
Square 5 - 25 blocks
Square 6 - 36 blocks
We see that the number of blocks in each square corresponds to the squares of the number of the square.
Square 6 will have 6² = 36 blocks.
Square 7 will have 7² = 49 blocks.
Square 9 will have 9² = 81 blocks.
Square 10 will have 10² = 100 blocks.
Square 19 will have 19²= 361 blocks.
Square 20 will have 20² = 400 blocks.
Let us calculate, the number of blocks needed to add -
To Square 6 to get square 7
49 - 36 = 13 blocks
To Square 9 to get square 10
100 - 81 = 19 blocks
To Square 19 to get square 20
400 - 361 = 39 blocks
13 blocks are needed to add to Square 6 to get square 7.
19 blocks are needed to add to Square 9 to get square 10.
39 blocks are needed to add to Square 19 to get square 20.
Learn more about the square of numbers here: