The following public places and their non-accessibility or accessibility for the following people are provided below.
What is the non-accessibility or accessibility of these public places for the following people?
- Public places are assessed for their accessibility and non-accessibility for the following people.
- a. A person without arms
- For a person without arms, a public place like a subway station or supermarket can be slightly exclusionary if they do not have enough mechanisms in place to help people without arms.
- Any public place that relies on the use of hands can be cumbersome and non-accessible.
- b. A person in a wheelchair
- Public places without an elevated ramp can be marked high in non-accessibility in the context of accommodating people in a wheelchair.
- c. A blind person
- An example of a public place that is high in non-accessibility for a blind person can be a movie theatre.
- d. Another disability of your choice
- In this case, people who suffer from deafness can find public transportation that relies on auditory announcements high in non-accessibility and low in accessibility.
- In all of the above-mentioned disabilities, except for cases c. and d., some difficulty might arise in entering a public building or accessing the restroom.
Therefore, the accessibility and non-accessibility of public places for the mentioned people have been provided above.
Learn more about disabilities here: