Punctuation marks, like the comma and the semi-colon, are very important since effective communication in English also requires competence in the correct use of other punctuation marks. Of course, students are presumed to have learned the correct use of punctuation marks and capitalization in the ten years of exposure to the English language both in formal and informal settings. In this review, it is hoped that what students learned will be reinforced so they will develop more competence in observing the standards of punctuation.
1. Period ( . ) is placed after the end of a sentence.
2. Comma ( , ) are the most commonly used mark of punctuation. Probably, it is because of this reason that it poses more writing problems compared to other marks.
3. Exclamation point ( ! ) is used after sentences that express strong feeling or excitement.
4. Question Mark ( ? ) ends a direct question
5. Semi-colon ( ; ) joins closely related sentences.
6. Hyphen ( - ) is used to divide or join words as in
a. Some compound words
Mother-in-law re-example
Forget-me-nots twenty-one
Self-control self-study
b. Syllabication
Interferes = in-ter-feres
Nevermore = nev-er-more