8. The module provides various examples of how ecosystems and be destroyed by humans and natural disasters. Describe one way an ecosystem can be destroyed by humans and one way to be destroyed naturally

Respuesta :

Humans can destroy 0ur ec0system fr0m p0llution, too much farming and making desertification. Too much hunting can kill the animals and make them extinct. Natural disasters like hail, tornad0s, and m0re will destr0y cr0ps and the gr0und so y0u cant gr0w anymore

h0pe this helped!


: From the Mongol time frame on, at that point, we can talk about an Eurasian – if not a worldwide ... significance of exchange from the soonest times and, in contrast to the Chinese, they ... The significant exercises that Chinggis Khan gained from the difficulties of his initial ... This strategy became one that created a lot of ill will from the laborer positions.


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