examine figure 1 below. For each numbered location, identify which part of photosynthesis it represents, then discribe how each part enters or exits the plant

Light (From the Sun) Plant turns light (and others) into chemical energy and sugar with chlorophyll.
Oxygen After the plant turns light (and others) into chemical energy, oxygen also comes out.
CO2 CO2 is one of the other energies that gets turned into sugar.
Moisture and nutrients (From the soil) Gets absorbed by roots to be delivered to the other organs.
Light (From the Sun) Plant turns light (and others) into chemical energy and sugar with chlorophyll.
Oxygen After the plant turns light (and others) into chemical energy, oxygen also comes out.
CO2 CO2 is one of the other energies that gets turned into sugar.
Moisture and nutrients (From the soil) Gets absorbed by roots to be delivered to the other organs.