Is this d or not? Pls helppppp

B load
definitely not D.
a power source is a battery or a power generator (like at power plants or on good old-fashioned bicycles to have light in the dark).
the fan uses the electrical energy coming from a power source.
if it would be a "propeller" at a wind farm (where power is generated by the wind blowing in between the blades making them turn and as such generating electrical power), then yes, but that is not what the description is telling us.
so, since it is using electrical power to do something, it is a load on the net or circuit or grid.
because it takes out some energy, the actual power generator has to work a little bit harder to maintain the energy level in the grid. just like you have to work harder when you have to carry a bigger weight (or load). hence the name.
the fan will have some conducive material inside (an electrical motor is a structure of coils of wires around magnets, and the power goes through these wires, so they have to be conductive).
and the fan will have a switch, which breaks or establishes the flow of electric energy and therefore determines, if and when the fan is working or not.