Saqui buys streamers for \$0.09$0.09dollar sign, 0, point, 09 per meter.
What is the price, in dollars, of 300300300 centimeters of streamers?
There are 100100100 centimeters in a meter.

Respuesta :



Step-by-step explanation:

1/4 The ratio of meters of streamers to cost of streamers is 1 : 0.09

     We want to know the ratio of centimeters of streamers to cost of  

2/4 We need to convert meters to centimeters.

      There are 100 centimeters in 1 meter.

      So, if 1 meter of streamers costs $0.09, then 100 centimeters of
      streamers also cost $0.09.

3/4 The ratio centimeters of streamers to cost for 300 centimeters of

      Now, we can find an equivalent ratio to find the cost for 300
      centimeters of streamers.

4/4 The streamers cost $0.27 per 300 centimeters.

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