When determining how much money to borrow in loans to pay for your higher education, which of the following items should not be considered?

you will still need after financial aid awarded is an element that should not be taken into account when determining the money we need to borrow to pay for higher education.
Educational loans are a type of money loan that some banks and financial institutions have that offer the money loan service to students so that they can pay for their university.
Generally, to apply for one of these loans it is necessary to take into account some aspects such as:
This loan guarantees us access to higher education. However, there are other expenses that this loan does not cover, such as:
According to the above, when we ask for a loan for our higher education we should not take into account the additional values that we require to study because the loan will only cover the value of the career.
Learn more about loan in: https://brainly.com/question/11794123