At the elementary school, the fourth graders Jamal and Dinah are still eating lunch as they come into math class. Someone has left a book on the floor and they both trip. As they each hit the floor, the food they are carrying flies across the room directly toward Harold, who is showing off his latest dance moves.

As Jamal and Dinah watch in horror, Jamal’s cupcake and Dinah’s sandwich splat right on top of Harold’s head! Jamal’s cupcake flies on a path that would have landed on the floor 22 feet away from him if it had not hit Harold. Dinah’s sandwich flies on a path that would have landed on the floor 26 feet away from her if it had not hit Harold. Jamal’s cupcake flies 8 feet high, while Dinah’s sandwich reaches a height of 5 feet before hitting Harold.

How tall is Harold? Once you have the equations, you may use Desmos to help find the answer.

This question uses a numeric answer. Type in just the number part answer (no letters!) and round to 2 decimals.

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