Please help I’ll give 59 points

1. Devon looked at his side and Sonja is nowhere to be found. A thought came to his mind and chills run all over his body. He run as fast as he can to the racetrack. Just when he is about reach Sonja, she drove away with Curt's car and he couldn't do anything to stop her. To his shock, he's jaw drop as he watches Sonja drove off in the speed of light. She drifted the car gracefully like a professional racer. People started to notice and they are in awe, astonished at the way she moves. Curt runs in terror as he just noticed that it was his car. As soon as Sonja get out of the car, Curt started yelling at her in madness and then check his car. To protect her, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pull her out of the crowd. She looked pale and down, regretting what she just did. Then I whisper to her ear "I don't want to exaggerate things, but you looked amazing back there. Her face brightened up, speechless, because she thought I will burst out in anger. It was her very first time hearing a compliment about her driving skills and that beautiful smile is priceless.
2. He was just about to turn away when he saw Sam tripped. He immediately reached for him making him lose his balance and they both fell, rolling in the ground. Sam's arm dislocated and started to bleed while Miguel couldn't even move because of the extreme pain around his torso. Minutes later, other hikers found them. Luckily, one is a medical intern and gave them first aid. He called for an emergency rescue and paramedics as their condition is exigent. The two heard helicopter whirling just before they both lose consciousness. After months of recovering at the hospital, Miguel and Sam met for the first time. They couldn't help but to laugh at each other, looking at how badly they looked like, bruises all over their faces, a broken arm and a broken rib. Even though they don't say it, they both knew that what happened was the best adventure of all time.
3. They looked everywhere but couldn't find Lambie, and Sarah haven't stop from crying as well. Bethany and Janice now do not have a choice but to put all of their mess to it's proper places until they found Lambie, Sarah's toy, underneath the pile of sheets. In exhaust, the three of them fell asleep at the sofa. As their mothers came back from grocery shopping, they found the girls sleeping soundly. Both mothers looked at each other and smile with amazement, curious as to why the room looks clean and tidy for the first time.
Hi! I underlined and bold the spelling words for you to notice easily. I provided the endings with a little twist to make it more exciting and catchy. I included below the definitions of the spelling words that I used for your better understanding.
exaggerate - it is used to make an overstatement (it is used in number 1 ending to compliment the astonishing driving skills of Sonja)
exigent - requiring immediate aid or action (it is used in number 2 to emphasize that the accident happened to Miguel and Sam needs an immediate medical response)
exhaust - extremely or completely tired (it is used in number 3 ending when the girls drained all of their energy from crying and cleaning to find Lambie making them fall asleep)
Hope this helps.