Can someone help me with my Spanish?

As you complete these answers, remember that direct object pronouns in Spanish receive the action and often answer what or whom.
In the sentence: Javier tiene el reproductor de CDs.
The action in this sentence is "tiene" (To have).
What is the action receiving? - El reproductor
So, "El reproductor" is the direct object.
Recall that the pronouns for direct Object pronouns are:
Lo, los, la, las, me, te, os.
To know which to use to replace the direct object, make sure you know if the direct object is singular or plural, and feminine or masculine.
Using this information, we can rewrite the following sentences using direct object pronouns.
1. Javier tiene el reproductor de CDs.
Javier lo tiene (El reproductor is singular and masculine).
2. Verónica ve a los niños.
Verónica los ve (Los niños is masculine and plural).
3. No comprendo las palabras.
No las comprendo (Las palabras is feminine and singular).
4. Mario llama a la profesora de inglés.
Mario la llama (La profesora is feminine and singular).
5. Nosotros tomamos el tren.
Nosotros lo tomamos (El tren is masculine and plural).