
Was Alexander the Great a hero or a villain ?

"For I myself believe that there was at that time no race of mankind, no city, no individual (to whom the
name Alexander had not reached. And so not I can suppose that a man quite beyond all other men was
born without some divine influence"
-Arrian, philosopher A.D. 171

Respuesta :


Alexander the Great can be viewed as a hero.


Alexander the Great, granted, may have done ill concieved activities that may not be "heroic", but all real humans are not perfect in any shape or form, and therefore, can all be categorized as a villain, whether through individual relations, or historical grandeur. However, I believe Alexander the Great can be placed in the light as being a hero.

Firstly, he was able to exploit the human's ambition to conqueor and to rule the world, through being able to create not only a loyal and well-trained army, but also through startegy, in able to defeat his enemies by outmaneuvering them.

Secondly, he was able to exploit the human loyalty to first his native land (by being able to harness his father's ambition and continue to grow the Macedonian Army, as well as the systematic conqueoring and control of Grecia under the Macedonian Kingdom. Once this was done, Macedonia was discarded for the more grandeur belief of Greece, and a indirect spread of Greek culture.

Thirdly, he was able to exploit human behavior into keeping them behaved within his ever-expanding empire. How did he do this? Firstly, he always treated his enemies that he defeated with respect, allowing them to keep their existing culture, traditions, beliefs, as well as allowing for their current government to work as a de facto government that continues to allow stable conditions within the area. He also respected the traditions of the people. An example of this can be found when he conqeuored the Ancient Kingdom of Judah, in which he not only allowed for the Jewish to continue with their traditions and practices, but also tried to follow the cultures of the land.

Finally, whether or not it is a benefit or a downfall, he was able to unite people because of his character. This was extremely inevitable that Alexander truly was the only reason for the empire to stay intact, as, when his untimely death arrived, his empire fell into disarray quickly.

All of these are traits of a hero, and to portray him as a villian may be easy, but to portray him as a villian over the traits of a hero is hard, if not impossible.

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