Chapter 1 (Vago & Barkan)Study/Discussion Questions:1) Select and recount TWO different definitions of law from Chapter 1. What do you consider the strengths of each definition? What do you consider the weaknesses of each definition?2) Which type(s) of law apply to each of the following? Justify each of your answers.A. Right to voteB. DivorceC. Suing your neighbor, Tony, because his dog keeps pooping in your yardD. Stealing someone else’s carE. Rules about how police officers write up reports about their time on shift3) Why do you think it is useful to know something about the four different major types of legal systems? What, if anything, surprised you about any single type of major legal system (give a specific example)? Why did it surprise you? What impacts do you think that feature of a legal system has on society? On individual people?4) Review the THREE major functions of law. Then, classify each of the following social patterns according to which function(s) you think best explains why the law exists. Be prepared to justify your answer.A. criminal charges against Burger Awesome (a fast food chain) for undercooking their burgersB. civil suit against Pills R Us (pharmaceutical company) for false advertising that includes failure to disclose side effectsC. case law that upholds right to marry for two consenting adults of any sex/gender or sexual categorizationD. a fine if caught in a public space without clothing, without a mask5) Can you identify a real world example of any one of the dysfunctions of law that are described in Chapter 1? Describe the legal example and explain why it illustrates that particular dysfunction of law.

Respuesta :

the right answr is c because i took the test