The four abstract forms and their tangible copies that apply to the liberated prisoner in the myth of Plato's cave are:
1. Astonishment.
2. Anger.
3. Happiness.
4. Alienation:
The feelings of the liberated prisoner in the myth of Plato's cave.
Once the prisoner is released by figures that do not correspond to shadows but to tangible beings that can lift him or even pull or drag him, the first form he must experience is astonishment, identifiable by his copy, which would be the raising of the eyebrows and / or or the opening of its mouth reflecting that shape.
Next, the myth of the cave tells us that the man was forced to leave the cave, for which the experienced form must have been anger, reflected in his copy that would be possible shouts towards the people who take him out of the cave and they make you walk on rough terrain.
Later, once the liberated man accustoms his eyes and can see more defined forms such as trees, people or even the sun, his form is joy, whose copy is laughter, out of laughter if that is the case, being now aware of a whole new that I did not know.
Once the freed prisoner returns to the cave, having a different concept about the reflected shadows to which his companions are accustomed, the abstract form is alienation, followed by his copy that is crying, since he will surely be excluded by his acquaintances. , which I would be trying to help.
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