
pls help me



Freedom will not come

Today, this year

Nor ever

Through compromise and fear.

I have as much right

As the other fellow has

To stand

On my two feet

And own the land.

I tire so of hearing people say,

Let things take their course.

Tomorrow is another day.

I do not need my freedom when I’m dead.

I cannot live on tomorrow’s bread.


Is a strong seed


In a great need.

I live here, too.

I want my freedom

Just as you.

questions: ↓

1. Describe the speaker of the poem? Is the speaker involved in the action or outside of the action?

2. Does the poem represent the speaker’s feelings at a particular moment in time or does it seem the speaker has had a chance to reflect on the significance of events?

3. Identify and briefly explain the tension/conflict in the poem.

4. How is the poem organized? Where do the shifts come?

5. What is the most important line or sentence in the poem? Why?

6. Do you notice any poetic devices used in the poem? In what lines do they appear? (Metaphor, simile, apostrophe, personification, etc.)

pls help meFreedomBY LANGSTON HUGHESFreedom will not comeToday this yearNor everThrough compromise and fearI have as much rightAs the other fellow hasTo standOn class=

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