Respuesta :
I don't believe he would've been all that concerned. He was an Edomite Jew who paved the way for millions of innocent Europeans to be slaughtered, which is nothing but a result of the enmity God put between the serpent's seed and Eve's seed (Genesis 3:15). Yet, somehow these Jews want to blame the Europeans for their genocidal "Holocaust" fantasy which never happened (yet would've been justified), even though it was exactly what they did to European Ukrainians in the Bolshevik Holodomor thanks to Marx, and are attempting again today by forcing the non-White races in our homelands (Flood of the dragon, Rev. 12:15, 17:15). Jews, as descendants of Cain, who was born of the serpent and not Adam, are not particularly concerned about killing chinks who are of the same wicked tree. Christ even calls them offspring of serpents (Matt. 23:33)... a race guilty from the blood of Abel and the prophets (Matt. 23:35). Christ even told the Jews they are of their father the devil who was a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44). So ultimately, there's no reason Marx would've even cared about the atrocities of Mao. Asians were not the target of his genocidal ideology.