What does the underlined
sentence suggest about
an excerpt from Saint Louis Armstrong Beach
by Brenda Woods
Shadow likes to stay in a particular
place in the neighborhood.
Everyone in the neighborhood owns a
dog like Shadow
In this excerpt from Saint Louis Armstrong Beach, the
narrator describes a stray dog in the New Orleans
neighborhood of Tremé.
Everyone in the community helps take
care of Shadow
The sun was up and so was I because Shadow was
Shadow is a kind of dog that no one
really wants
outside barking. Shadow is the neighborhood dog, the kind
that belongs to everyone but no one in particular. Pops
calls him the noisiest dog in Treme, but that's not even
close to the truth because Tremé has its share of noisy
dogs. And for those of you who don't know much about
New Orleans, Tremé is just back from the French Quarter
and the WCY YOU Say it is Trah-MAY