Please fast answer!

1A. Ben
I went abroad last month to Italy. I topped up my phone before I left with 40 euros. I didn't disable data roaming while I was away, and I made lots of calls. I checked my balance when I got back and found I'd been charged 30 euros!
B. Emma
I'll send you a text and you can save my number to your phone book. Then, when you want to ring or text me, you won't have to enter the number.
C. Ryan
I phoned Tom, but he must have put his phone on silent, so he didn't answer. I left a message, so hopefully he'll listen to his voicemail later.
D. Zoe
Hi Sally, we're on the train. I've put the phone on loudspeaker so that Mike can speak to you too...No, it won't annoy the other passengers! Oh, the train is about to go into a tunnel and I think we'll lose the signal... Can you hear me?...OK, listen, I'm running out of charge too, I need to recharge the battery. I'll hang up now and call you later...Bye.
The correct verb forms to be inserted in the blank spaces can be understood and used when the reader/writer has a grasp of the context of the communication. For example, understanding that a bad signal hinders communication between people on the phone, the reader then understands that lose is the the correct verb form to be used with signal.
Also, knowing that leaving data roaming on and making lots of calls can drain call card, the reader then knows that that was the reason Ben was charged 30 euros.