I got this moldavite online from India, I’m just wondering if it’s legit and also wondering...is there something I’m suppose to do before wearing it?

is it a necklace or what???
I'd say to cleanse it and look up videos on how to use it to its fullest potential. There are a lot of videos on it and to take proper care of it. If you are into spirituality then I would say to meditate with it and set intentions on what you want the moldavite to do for you. The price range of authentic moldavite is usually $10-$20 a gram. If it looks really shiny or clear its usually fake. There are a lot of videos about it on you.tube that helped me and a lot of websites. A good you.tube channel for moldavite is "VibesNFrequencies" and many others. If you are wondering my experiences with moldavite I can share and there are also lots on you.tube. Sorry I am so late, I hope I could help you :)