
For this question , you will need to refer to both sources A and B.
Compare how the two writers convey their different attitudes to manners and politeness.
In your answer, you should:
● comparetheirdifferentattitudes
● comparethemethodstheyusetoconveytheirattitudes ● supportyourideaswithquotationsfrombothtexts.
Source A - 19th century etiquette guide Source B - 21st century newspaper article
The way you behave when out in society is paramount. It is essential that you show the highest level of social refinement possible. For example, if someone offers you their hand, take it. Always remove your hat when entering a building. Be punctual to all social events to which you are invited.
Anyone who’s ever taken a ride on the London Underground will know that there are some real nuisances out there. All too often, I’ve seen people refusing to give their seat up to an elderly passenger. I mean, it’s just common courtesy, isn’t it? Is it really so difficult to just be a little more civil towards other people?

Respuesta :


yes i do not know what u r speaking
