Lance's taxable income last year was $65,350. According to the tax table
below, how much tax does he have to pay if he files with the "Single" status?
If line 43
Income) is
And you
Singe Married Married Head
fing of a
JO Sep house
Inday hold
Your taxis
65.000 65.050 12444 8.919 12.444 11.109
65,050 65 100 12,456 8.926 12.456 11.121
65,100 65.150 12,469 8.934 12.469 11,134
65.150 65.200 12.481 8.941 12.481 11,146
65.200 65,250 12494 8.849 12.494 11,159
65,250 65,300 12506 8,956 12.506 11,171
65,300 65.350 12,519 8.964 12.519 11.184
65,350 65.400 12.531 8.971 12.531 11.196
65.400 65,450 12.544 B.979 12544 11,209
65.450 65,500 12 556 B.986 12.556 11 221
65,500 65,550 12.569 8,994 12 569 11.234
65,550 65.600 12.581 9,001 12581 11 246
65.600 65.650 12,594 9.009 12.594 11.259
65.650 65.700 12.606 2.016 12.606 11271
65.700 65.750 12.619 2.024 12.619 11.284
65.750 65,800 126319,031 12.631 11.296
65.800 65.850 12.544 9,039 12.544 11.309
65.850 65.900 12.656 2046 12656 11,321
65.900 65.950 12.669 2.054 12.669 11 334
65.950 66.000 12.6819,061 12.681 11 346
A. $12,519
B. $11,196
C. $8971
D. $12,531