I need help on this and when you answer this.. please dont answer when you dont know if its right.. please answer if you know! IM not trying to get this wrong! First person who answer this correctly gets a BRANLIST!!

1. The THEME is the lesson or moral of the story that can be applied to everyday life.
2. The MAIN IDEA is what the story or text is mainly about.
3. A comparison using as or like SIMILE (e.g., as fast as a cheetah)
4. My baby sister is an angel. METAPHOR (directly compares two unrelated things without using like or as, instead usually uses the word is, like above.)
5. SEQUENCE (one thing coming after another, indicated by words like first, next, then, lastly, finally)
6. COMPARE AND CONTRAST (Similarities and Differences are the important words in the sentence. Compare means finds similarities, what's the same. Contrast means means find the differences.)
7. COMPARE AND CONTRAST (Again. "Similarly" is a comparing word. "On the other hand" is a phrase used to contrast.
8. The sections in a poem are called STANZAS. Paragraph is to informational text as STANZA is to poetry.
10. INFORM (A student's book report about the fourth novel in the Twilight series is trying to inform, to give the facts of the book.)