Daily dilemma:
You live in a remote village that is being ransacked by a notorious group of people. Already dozens of people from your village are brutally killed. You are hiding in a room with 25 people with your baby in your arms. By keeping quiet, your fellow villagers will be able to live. The raiders are coming nearby and your baby starts crying uncontrollably. As they come closer, you are put in the dilemma of either suffocating or snapping the neck of your own child to preserve the lives of yourself and the other people in the room. Otherwise, you can let your child cry, give away your location, and have everyone in the room murdered. What would you do?

Kill your child and survive with the other people
Choose to not kill your baby just so everyone can be murdered

Respuesta :

This one is really hard especially since it's a baby omg! i.d.k? I would let my child cry cause i.d.k these people.