8.11 LAB: Contact list (C++)

A contact list is a place where you can store a specific contact with other associated information such as a phone number, email address, birthday, etc. Write a program that first takes as input an integer N that represents the number of word pairs in the list to follow. Word pairs consist of a name and a phone number (both strings). That list is followed by a name, and your program should output the phone number associated with that name.

Ex: If the input is:

3 Joe 123-5432 Linda 983-4123 Frank 867-5309


the output is:


Your program must define and call the following function. The return value of GetPhoneNumber is the phone number associated with the specific contact name.

string GetPhoneNumber(vector nameVec, vector phoneNumberVec, string contactName)

Hint: Use two vectors: One for the string names, and the other for the string phone numbers.

Respuesta :


The vectors and phone numbers are 123-5432-983-4123-867-5309
