Romeo and Juliet Study Guide

Act I Questions
Prologue (page 786)
1. What is the setting of the play and how do the two families feel about one another?
2. According to lines five through eight, what ends the “parent’s strife”?
Act I, scene i
1. What role does Benvolio play in the fight? (lines 61-63 and 65-66)
2. What role does Tybalt play in the fight? (lines 68-69)
3. How has the feud affected the town of Verona? As a result, how do the people of Verona feel about the Capulets and
Montagues? (lines 70 and 78-100)
4. How will Prince Escalus deal with future brawls (fights)? (lines 93-95)
5. Why have Romeo’s parents become concerned about him? (lines 128-139)
6. What information does Romeo reveal to Benvolio? (lines 165, 168-179, 205-213)
7. What s Benvolio’s advice to him? (line 222)
8. An oxymoron is a contradictory phrase. Look at Romeo’s lines 168-179. List four examples of oxymorons in his lines.
Act I, scene ii
1. According to lines 1-3, how does Lord Capulet feel about the Prince’s edict?
2. What does Paris mean when he says his “suit” in line 6?
3. What is Lord Capulet’s response? What might account for this atypical response?
4. To what does Lord Capulet say he must have Juliet’s consent (lines 16-19)?
5. How are the Clown’s (servant’s) lines different from the rest of the characters’ lines? Why would Shakespeare make his
lines different? (lines 38-44)
6. Why does Benvolio want Romeo to attend the masque (84-89)? Why does Romeo agree to go (102-103)?
Act I, scene iii
1. Reread lines eight and nine. What do Lady Capulet’s contradictory instructions to the nurse indicate about Lady Capulet’s relationship with her daughter?
2. What information about the nurse’s family is revealed in her monologue (lines 16-48)? Why might this affect her relationship with Juliet and the Capulets
3. What characteristics about the nurse are revealed in her lines 30-32, 43-46, 57-59?
4. Why do the nurse and Lady Capulet consider Paris an acceptable match for Juliet? (75-76, 82-83, 91-94)?
5. Paraphrase Juliet’s response to her mother in lines 97-99. At this stage, what is her attitude toward marriage?
Act I, scene iv
1. Explain Romeo’s pun in lines 14-16.
2. Explain Romeo’s pun in lines 19-22.
3. Explain Mercutio’s pun in the second half of line 52.
4. Explain Mercutio’s monologue in this scene(lines 53-95). What does this show us about his character?
5. According to Romeo’s closing lines in this scene (106-113), what is Romeo’s premonition? What does he believe is
Act I, scene v
1. What aspects of Lord Capulet’s character are revealed in lines 16-33.
2. What causes Tybalt’s anger in lines 54-59? Why does he feel justified in his anger? What does he intend to do?
3. Why does Lord Capulet forbid Tybalt from following through with his intention (65-74)?
4. In line 41, Romeo first sees Juliet. What images does he associate with her in lines 44-47? Why are these images
5. If a measure is a dance, what does he intend to do in lines 50-51?
6. Explain the metaphor Romeo and Juliet use in their first conversation.
7. Who reveals Romeo’s identity to Juliet and Juliet’s identity to Romeo?
8. Examine lines 128-132. Who is Juliet asking the nurse about? Why would she leave Romeo until last?
The Act as a Whole
1. How are the characters of Benvolio and Tybalt foils for one another?
2. How are the characters of Mercutio and Romeo foils for one another?
3. How are the characters of the Nurse and Lady Capulet foils for one another?

Respuesta :

Answer: dude why do u want us to all of theres  questions for only 5 points
