There is a murder of the civil rights leader, who did not advocate violence. You know that there will be many riots, and many innocent people, including children and elderly, will be killed, if the murderer is not found today.

A homeless person wanders into town that day. He has no family, no friends, no job, and no connections. You know that if the homeless man is framed for the crime, and he is immediately tried and executed, you can subvert the riots, and guarantee peace in the town. . If you don't, then you know that there will be riots, and many innocent people will die. These are your only two options, and you must act today.

what would you advise that the sheriff do, and why? Is your decision consistent with the Categorical Imperative, or with Utilitarianism? Develop your answer as a defense of your choice, but also as a defense of one or the other of these moral theories.

Respuesta :

Answer: You should frame the homeless man, It may not be pretty and it may result in the death of one, but the deaths of many will have been avoided. Its mainly a greater good type of thing.