Which option best revises the paragraph to convey the same meaning white
maintaining a formal tone throughout
Dam owia move silently through the night some people who study
animals have gured out that bom ewis have a way to hunt at night
just by letting stuff they hear guide them in fact, barn owls can
pinpoint the exact location of prey moving through the grass beneath
A Barn owls move silently through the night some people who study
animals have figured out that barn owls have a way to hunt of
night just by letting stuff they hear guide them. In fact, tam owis
can discover possible meal options of various animals moving
through the grass beneath them
D. Barn owls flap their wings only during the hours of darkness
Some people who study animals have gured out that barn owo
have a way to hunt at night just by letting stuff they hear guide
them. In fact, barn owls can pinpoint the exact location of prey
moving through the grass beneath them
c. Bam owis move silently through the night. People have found out
that barn owls can night-hunt by simply listening in fact, barn owls
can pinpoint the exact location of prey moving through the gross
beneath them
D. tam owls move silently through the night. Bolentists have
conducted experiments demonstrating that barn owls are able to
hunt in complete darkness using only their hearing to guide them
In fact, bam owls can pinpoint the exact location of prey moving
through the grous beneath them