Old Farmer MacDonald wants to build a pen to keep his chickens in. He has 36 meters of fence and plans to make a rectangular pen. Complete the chart to help Old MacDonald decide how to make his chicken pen so that he has the maximum area.

2 = 18
4 = 9
6 = 6
8 = 4.5
10 = 3.6
12 = 3
14 = 2.57 (2.6 simplified)
16 = 2.25 (2.3 simplified)
Step-by-step explanation:
You can solve this by dividing 36 (the whole amount of meter of fences)
by each number of the length
area width
36 divided by 2 = 18
36 divided by 4 = 9
36 divided by 6 = 6
36 divided by 8 = 4.5
36 divided by 10 = 3.6
36 divided by 12 = 3
36 divided by 14 = 2.57 (2.6 simplified)
36 divided by 16 = 2.25 (2.3 simplified)