How long is a soccer game?
How many players from each team can be on the field at a time?
How many substitutions are professional teams allowed in a match?
Who is the only player on the team that is allowed to use their hands?
Other than the goalkeeper, what are the names of the three other positions on the field?
What is a typical formation for a team in a football match?
If the ball goes out of the sidelines, how do you get the ball back in play?
If the ball goes out of bounds on one of the end lines, how do teams get the ball back in play?
What are the two types of cards and what do they mean?
What are the two kicks that come from fouls?
What do offsides mean?
If teams are tied at the end of regulation, what happens?

Respuesta :


In national “A” team matches, a maximum of twelve substitutes may be named of which a maximum of six may be used. In all other matches, a greater number of substitutes may be used provided that: the teams reach agreement on a maximum number. the referee is informed before the match.