Dolphins, like whales, are cetaceans-carnivorous aquatematiidis. Som
give birth to live young that are nourished on mother's milk. They have lungs rather than gills, and must surface regularly to breathe air. They swim
In pods, occasionally springing from the water to perform acrobatic leaps and twirls.
There are, however, some other interesting facts about dolphins that are not as well known, Dr. Sandra Clark, a marine biologist, explains
that dolphins have highly developed brains.
Such behavior is a strong indicator of Intelligence. Dolphins are also highly social animals
that hunt in groups, deploying strategies that require cooperation and coordination among pod members,
Which quote should Arthur add to the second paragraph to help develop his topic?
1. "Most people are surprised to learn that dolphins have two stomachs, like cows," says Dr. Clark.
O 2. "Dolphins have an amazing ability to heal from deep wounds such as shark bites," says Dr. Clark,
3. "Dolphins are able to recognize themselves in mirrors, which demonstrates self-awareness," says Dr. Clark
4, "There are many conditions that can impact food supplies and use dolphin species to migrate to find other sources," Dr. Clark