
This is a "Communication and Speech course"****************Based on the Book: Looking In, Looking Out
I'm confused with this discussion board question and would appreciate if someone would help me. Thank you.


That’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard!

Analysis: This isn’t a satisfactory statement, since the speaker isn’t clearly claiming that he/she is disgusted. The speaker doesn’t seem to recognize feelings , doesn’t verbally express a feeling

and doesn’t accept responsibility by using “I” language.

Restatement: I’m upset and angry that those parents left their young children alone overnight .

You’re being awfully sensitive about that.

Analysis: The speaker is labeling another’s feelings but saying nothing about his/her own feelings. We don’t know if the speaker is concerned, irritated, or indifferent.

Restatement: Fill it out for me please

1. I feel as if you’re trying to hurt me.

Analysis: Fill it out for me please

Restatement: Fill it out for me please

2. I am confused about what you want from me.

Analysis:Fill it out for me please

Restatement: Fill it out for me please

3. You make me so mad when you’re late.

Analysis: Fill it out for me please

Restatement: Fill it out for me please

4. I’m sort of upset with your behavior and a little bit annoyed that you are not apologizing.

Analysis: Fill it out for me please

Restatement: Fill it out for me please

5. I see you’re all in there enjoying the game while I clean up the kitchen.

Analysis: Fill it out for me please

Restatement: Fill it out for me please

6. I feel like the rug’s been pulled out from under me.

Analysis: Fill it out for me please

Restatement: Fill it out for me please

Respuesta :


nothing unferstanding