What happened to the war once the United Nations took Seoul?

What did General MacArthur advocate for once the United Nations pushed the North Koreans back to the 38th parallel?

Why did pushing the Koreans all the way back to China end up backfiring for the United Nations?

What was the difference between the United Nations army and the Chinese/North Korean army?

What was a leading cause of death for American troops during winter in Korea?

What did General MacArthur and President Truman disagree on? What did General MacArthur want to do that President Truman refused to do?

Why did President Truman relieve General MacArthur of his duties?

What did both China and America realize during the Korean War?

How long did the negotiations between North and South Korea last?

What did the two sides agree on during negotiations? Where is the border between South and North Korea?

What is the relationship between North and South Korea today? Are they still technically at war?

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