Cat owners often debate whether it is best for cats to stay in or go out. Some believe you should keep your cat indoors at all times. Others think your cat should be allowed to go outside when it wants to.
Owners who think your cat should stay inside argue that it is too dangerous for cats to roam outside. Allowing cats outside also increases the chance that they will be exposed to diseases like feline leukemia. In addition to being concerned about the health of their cat, these cat owners do not like the uninvited guests outdoor cats may bring home. For example, fleas can jump on a cat outside, hitch a ride inside, and multiply once inside your home. Outdoor cats also have a tendency to bring home “treats” for their owners—a dead mole on the doorstep or worse, on your pillow.
But people on the other side of the issue argue that it is cruel to keep a cat indoors. How many hours does an indoor cat spend staring out the window, watching birds or the cars on the street? These owners say it is unnatural for animals never to go outside. They also claim that without exercise cats will grow fat and lazy, sleeping on the sofa. Once cats get a taste of the outdoors, they usually are no longer content to stay in all day. To these owners, this proves it is wrong not to let cats go outside.
If you do decide to let your cat outdoors, there are steps you can take to increase its safety. Try to bring the cat in at night, when it is more likely to be hit by a car or attacked by other animals. And all cats, whether indoor or outdoor, should wear a collar with identifying information in case they get lost.

People on BOTH sides of the issue presented in this passage apparently believe that

A. it is most important to keep their cat safe

B. cats make better pets than dogs

C. their cat should be allowed to do what is most natural

D. they are doing what is best for their cat

choose one correctly

Respuesta :




because it is your responsibility to be safe