Answer the questions using complete sentences and evidence from the text. The number before the question tells you which chapter you can find the answer.
Ch 2. Can you really tell if people are bad based on how they look? What other impressions can come from first looks and are they a form of judgement?
Ch 3. “That man has coal for a heart.” What does this imagery make you think about Mr. Yao? Does it give you insight into his character traits or lead you to any predictions?
Ch 4. What gives people power? Can it be earned or taken? Is it something that is just bestowed on people because of life status?
6. Compare and contrast the event of the spelling test and notebook to the event of the refunds to the customers.
7. How and why can the importance of play differ between cultures and families?
8. Are reputations and first impressions important? Explain why Mia acted they way she did and why she lied to her classmates.
11. What is the internal motivation keeping Mia from expressing who she really is?
14. How can money influence your experiences in life?
16. What character traits does Mia show this chapter? Support them with evidence from the text.
26. What character traits has Mr. Yao exhibited? Support them with text evidence.